Mensah Blog

Vitamin C: What Is It – Really?

Vitamin C keeps us healthy far beyond helping us avoid or get over colds and flus. It is important in our bodies’ maintenance of healthy skin, healthy blood vessels, healthy bones and cartilage and healthy teeth. It also plays an important role in helping with wound healing, and is an important factor in the absorption of Iron. Additionally, Vitamin C is not just an immune system booster, it is vitally important for proper immune function in general.

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The Gut-Brain Misdirection

As a result of surgery, a young lady became malabsorptive. The surgery decreased her capacity to absorb the nutrients she needed to maintain both physical and mental health. In medical terms, she experienced a loss of Intrinsic Factor, which is produced in the stomach and is needed to carry Vitamin B-12 to the terminal ileum of her bowel for absorption. A lack of B-12 can also affect the methylation cycle. Not only can this cause Pernicious Anemia, but it can also cause Peripheral Neuropathy. Several people mistakenly subscribe to the belief that Vitamin B-6, in treatment dosages, causes neuropathy. They fail to realize that Vitamin B-12 deficiency, which is far more common, is more likely the cause of such challenges. Both Vitamin B-12 deficiency as well as excess, for that matter, can cause neuropathy.

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Link Between Fitness and Alzheimer’s Risk

Several of our more senior patients frequently ask us what they can do to stave off the onset of Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease. As more and more people live longer, the unspoken and unfortunate consequence is that there is a higher occurrence of neurodegenerative conditions. Needless to say, this has our more senior patients concerned. What I (and an ever-increasing number of other doctors) tell patients is actually pretty simple – the best way to keep the brain healthy is to keep the body healthy.

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Increased Marijuana Use – Causes for Concern

Our biochemical and genetic makeup can greatly influence how our bodies and brains react to marijuana. Some of us have dormant, disease-causing genes that can be triggered by chemicals present in marijuana smoke. This means that the adverse effects of marijuana are not limited to those who are heavy users of the drug. In people with some specific biochemical challenges, just occasional use can lead to serious and unanticipated complications. Unfortunately, we are seeing more and more evidence of these cannabis-induced challenges in our practice at Mensah Medical.

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