Biochemical Imbalances

Each of us has a body that functions due to biochemical factors influencing our personalities, behaviors, mental health, immune function, and allergic tendencies. There are about 60 chemical elements in our bodies, and each plays a role in the expression of our genes.  More than 95% of our bodies are made up of four elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen. The remaining 5 percent are either macronutrients or micronutrients that are required for the proper production of hormones, neurotransmitters, and immune function. Macronutrients like calcium, magnesium, and potassium are needed in large amounts for proper body function. Micronutrients, like vitamins and trace minerals, are needed in smaller amounts for proper body function. These nutrients perform various functions, including the building of bones and cell structures, regulating the body’s pH, carrying charge, and driving chemical reactions.


We Are All Biochemically Unique

Not only did we inherit characteristics from our parents but also from several ancestors on both sides of our families. Our biochemical imbalances can be affected by diet and stressful life events, but it often goes back to genetics and epigenetics. Genetics is the study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics. Epigenetics is the influence of environmental factors in a person’s life that will turn genes ‘on’ and ‘off’ without changing the DNA sequence.

Because of genetic differences in how our bodies process foods, most of us are deficient in certain nutrients and overloaded in others, despite an ideal diet, most of us have certain nutrients that are at very low levels, and some of us may have nutrients at very toxic levels. Without a healthy balance of macronutrients and micronutrients, through epigenetics, our bodies will turn on genes that we inherited and cause a disease state. At Mensah Medical, we do specific biochemical laboratory testing to determine an individual’s biochemical imbalance, and we prescribe an individualized and compounded supplement protocol of molecular targeting agents to help our patients recover from various dysregulated states. Our physical and mental health needs the proper balance of critical brain chemicals. This is why correcting biochemical imbalances is key to optimal health and wellness.


Most Common Biochemical Imbalances


Many people suffering from anxiety and depression are overmethylated, which results in an excessive activity of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Typical symptoms include chemical and food sensitivities, underachievement, upper body pain, and an adverse reaction to serotonin-enhancing substances such as Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, St. John’s Wort, and SAMe. They have a genetic tendency to be very depressed in folates and other B vitamins.  Biochemical treatment focuses on rebalancing these nutrients.  These persons may also be overloaded with copper and methionine, and supplements of these nutrients must be strictly avoided for optimal treatment of their biochemical imbalances. Read more about the common symptoms of overmethylation.


Many patients with obsessive-compulsive tendencies, oppositional-defiant disorder, or seasonal depression are undermethylated and associated with low serotonin activity.  They generally exhibit seasonal allergies, perfectionism, competitiveness, and other distinctive symptoms and traits.   These undermethylated persons may benefit nicely from Paxil, Zoloft, and other serotonin-enhancing medications, although nasty side effects are common.  A more natural approach directly repairs the underlying problem and corrects their biochemical imbalances. Read more about the common symptoms of undermethylation.

Copper Imbalances

Copper imbalances are an imbalance in the body’s ratio of copper to other minerals, such as zinc and iron. Copper plays an important role in energy production, cell growth and development, nerve health, and immunity. Too much copper can lead to a number of negative physical and psychological symptoms. At the same time, too little copper can cause fatigue, weakness, immune system deficiencies, poor skin health, impaired brain functioning, and more. An orthomolecular medicine approach would likely recommend dietary modifications and supplements to restore balance and optimize the body’s copper levels.

Essential Fatty Acids*

The brain is 20% fat (by dry weight), and these fatty substances fulfill very important functions. The myelin sheaths surrounding our brain cells contain essential fatty acids that are directly involved in receptor formation and nerve transmission.  A 1998 Symposium at the National Institute of Mental Health presented strong evidence of the important roles of omega-3 oils (especially EPA and DHA) and omega-6 oils (especially AA and DGLA) in ADHD, depression, and schizophrenia.  A Harvard study showed EPA and DHA supplements to be more effective than psychiatric medications in combating bipolar depression.  Typical American diets usually result in insufficient omega-3 and excessive omega-6, and some nutritionists routinely recommend supplements of omega-3 oils. However, biochemical individuality also exists with oils; certain persons are innately low in omega-6 oils.  A review of symptoms and specialized plasma and red-cell-membrane lab tests can identify individual needs.

Glucose Dyscontrol*

Our database indicates a significant number of our patients have chronic low blood glucose levels in addition to other biochemical imbalances. This problem doesn’t appear to be the cause of behavior disorders, depression, etc., but instead is an aggravating factor that can trigger striking symptoms.  Typical symptoms include drowsiness after meals, irritability, craving for sweets, trembling, anxiety, and intermittent poor concentration and focus. Treatment includes glucose-stabilizing nutrients, but the primary focus of treatment is on diet.  These patients benefit from six or more small meals daily with an emphasis on complex carbohydrates and protein.  In essence, they cannot tolerate large meals or quick sugars.  Complex carbohydrates provide the necessary glucose in a slow, gradual manner and may be thought of as “time-release” sugar.

Hormone Dysregulation

Hormone dysregulation is a condition in which the body does not produce or utilize hormones in a normal and balanced way. This can lead to numerous symptoms, such as fatigue, weight gain or loss, mood swings, depression, and anxiety. To treat this condition, orthomolecular medicine focuses on restoring balance by providing the body with the exact molecules it needs for optimal functioning. Dietary interventions and supplements can provide the necessary nutrients and vitamins required to restore hormone balance. By taking into account individual biochemical needs and environmental factors, an orthomolecular medicine approach can help restore hormone balance so that your body can function optimally once again.


Although only 10% of our database case histories involve serious malabsorption, more than 90% of patients with autism exhibit this problem.  There are three primary classes of absorption problems: (1) stomach problems, including excessive or insufficient HCl levels, (2) incomplete digestion in the small intestine; and (3) problems at the brush-border of the intestine where most nutrients are absorbed into the portal blood stream.  The consequences can include nutrient deficiencies, irritation of the intestinal tract, candida, and mental health problems. In addition, incomplete breakdown of protein and fats can adversely affect brain neurotransmission and is associated with impulsivity and academic underachievement in these patients.  Treatment depends on the type of malabsorption present and may involve adjustment of stomach HCl levels, digestive enzymes which survive stomach acid, nutrients to enhance digestion and special diets.


A common problem in ADHD, behavior disorders, and hormonal depression is a genetic inability to control copper, zinc, manganese, and other trace metals in the body due to improper functioning of the metallothionein protein. These patients’ biochemical imbalances often show them deficient in trace metals, amino acids, and Vitamin B-6 and overloaded in others. Therefore, they must avoid supplements and “enriched” foods containing copper. In addition, we recommend they drink bottled water and limit the use of swimming pools and jacuzzis treated with copper sulfate anti-algae agents. Foods to be limited due to high copper content include shellfish, chocolate, and carob.  Elevated copper levels are associated with hormonal imbalances, and a classic symptom is intolerance to estrogen. Treatment for their biochemical imbalances focuses on the stimulation of metallothionein using trace metals, amino acids, and Vitamin B-6.

Pyrrole Disorder*

A common feature of many behavior and emotional disorders is pyroluria, an inborn error of pyrrole chemistry that results in a dramatic deficiency of zinc, Vitamin B-6, and arachidonic acid. Common symptoms include explosive temper, emotional mood swings, poor short-term memory, and frequent infections.  These patients are easily identified by their inability to tan, poor dream recall, abnormal fat distribution, and sensitivity to light and sound.  The decisive laboratory test is analysis for kryptopyrroles in urine. Biomedical treatment centers on restoring the body with necessary nutrients. Read more about the common symptoms of pyroluria/pyrrole disorder.

Toxic Substances* (also known as Heavy Metal Toxicity)

Occasionally we encounter a patient whose condition has resulted from a heavy-metal overload (lead, cadmium, mercury, etc.) or toxic levels of pesticides or other organic chemicals.  Our database indicates that persons with a metallothionein disorder are especially sensitive to toxic metals and that overmethylation is associated with severe chemical sensitivities.  Effective treatment for persons with these biochemical imbalances requires a three-part approach: (1) avoidance of additional exposures, (2) biochemical treatment to hasten the exit of the toxic from the body, and (3) correction of underlying chemical imbalances to minimize future vulnerability to the toxic. Read more about the common symptoms of metal toxicity.

Vitamin D Deficiencies

Vitamin D deficiency is a condition in which the body does not have enough of the necessary vitamin D to keep bones and muscles healthy. In orthomolecular medicine, this deficiency is seen as an imbalance between the different forms of Vitamin D in the body, leading to health complications. Vitamin D deficiency symptoms include bone pain and fragility, muscle weakness, fatigue, depression, decreased immunity, and increased susceptibility to infection. Treatment for Vitamin D deficiency includes supplementation with Vitamin D3, lifestyle changes such as increased sun exposure, and taking care to consume adequate levels of calcium and phosphorus. 

Zinc Imbalances

Zinc imbalances result from either an inadequate or excessive intake of zinc, which can be caused by poor dietary choices, the use of certain medications, or chronic diseases. Inadequate zinc intake can lead to a wide range of health problems, including weakened immune system function, impaired wound healing, and cognitive dysfunction. Excessive zinc intake can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and other digestive issues. Imbalances in zinc levels can also lead to fatigue and anemia. For optimal health and wellness, it is important to ensure that your diet is providing adequate amounts of zinc and that any medical conditions or medications you are taking are not interfering with its absorption.

*These were originally published in an article entitled Biochemical Individuality and Nutrition: by William Walsh, Ph.D., FACN, President of the Walsh Research Institute.

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